
Syntax:     aaddarea <area name>

Description:     Creates new area with lowest ID available, with area name provided in alias. Informs user if area already exists.


Syntax:     aaddroom <area ID> <x>,<y>,<z>

Description:     Creates room at coordinates x,y,z in area ID provided.


Syntax:     aautomap

Description:     Toggles automatic room creation, adding rooms as the user moves about the world.

aautoexits (deprecated)

Syntax:     aautoexits

Description:     Toggles automatic exit stub connecting, as the user moves.

Will be removed prior to v1.0 release. Not recommended for use, as Mudlet tends to create bad connections when the area is not completely mapped. It is recommended to map the full area and use amapareastubs instead.


Syntax:     setpos <room ID>

Description:     Sets the user’s map position to the given room ID. This is useful for initial calibration, or if the map loses the user’s position. Alternatively, the current room can be set by right-clicking the relevant room on the map.


Syntax:     amapstub <direction>

Description:     Attempts to connect exit stub in direction in current room.

Do not use unless directly adjacent room is already mapped, else a false exit connection can be made. It is recommended to map the full area and use amapareastubs instead.


Syntax:     amapstubs <>

Description:     Attempts to connect all exit stubs in the current room.

Do not use unless directly adjacent rooms are already mapped, else false exit connections can be made. It is recommended to map the full area and use amapareastubs instead.


Syntax:     amapareastubs <>

Description:     Attempts to connect all exit stubs in the current area.

Do not use unless the entire area is already mapped, else false exit connections can be made.