Class MFD

Display for general shipboard use.

Mimics a 16x52 DOS-esque terminal, because I like the aesthetic. Yeah. # That's rad.

Initialisation methods

MFD:new (_instanceName, _x, _y) Creates a new intance of the MFD class.
self.container The container that holds all of the things
self.console The console itself

Notification methods

MFD:notify (text, displayTime, fontSize[, bgColour[, fgColour]]) Raises an on-screen notification, with multiple options for styling.

Page methods

MFD:writeNavPage () Writes UACS and related data to the screen.

Query methods

MFD:getColour () Retrieves current time of day from Time object, if present.

Output methods

MFD:cls () Resets and erases the entire screen, and readies for writing.
MFD:drawBorderNav (colour) Draws a basic border around the edges of the screen, arranged for Nav page.
MFD:setCursor (inputX, inputY, doBlink) Places an underscore at the given X,Y with optional blinking.
MFD:write (writeText, writeX, writeY, fgColour, bgColour) Writes text to the MFD.

Initialisation methods

For creating and Initialising MFD object.
MFD:new (_instanceName, _x, _y) line 26
Creates a new intance of the MFD class.


  • _instanceName string Name for the consoles and such. Should be identical to object's unique name.
  • _x int X screen coordinate of MFD's top-left point.
  • _y int Y screen coordinate of MFD's top-left point.


    table A new instance of the MFD class.


    myMFD = MFD:new("myMFD",423,406)
self.container line 35
The container that holds all of the things
self.console line 46
The console itself

Notification methods

For drawing notifications on-screen.
MFD:notify (text, displayTime, fontSize[, bgColour[, fgColour]]) line 110
Raises an on-screen notification, with multiple options for styling. Raises a notification on screen, centered in lower-middle.


  • text string string The notification text to display.
  • displayTime int or float int How many seconds to show the notification. 0 leaves notification indefinitely.
  • fontSize int int The font size to use (default 12).
  • bgColour string Colour to use for alert background. Defaults to MFD's current primary if not set. (optional)
  • fgColour string Colour to use for foreground text. (optional)


    myMFD:notify("Testing...", 160, 50, 2, 12, "#004400", "yellow")

Page methods

Stuff for drawing full pages of text to the MFD screen in a single routine.
MFD:writeNavPage () line 190
Writes UACS and related data to the screen.



Query methods

Stuff for retrieving data to help us draw to the screen.
MFD:getColour () line 234
Retrieves current time of day from Time object, if present. Defaults to green if no Time object.


    HTML colour string, depending on Time:isNight().


    html_colour = MFD:getColour()

Output methods

Stuff for outputting to the MFD screen.
MFD:cls () line 260
Resets and erases the entire screen, and readies for writing. Clears the entirety of the consoles, and fills it with spaces so write functions can successfully locate.


    myMFD:cls() myMFD:drawBorder()
MFD:drawBorderNav (colour) line 287
Draws a basic border around the edges of the screen, arranged for Nav page. Will overwrite any text beneath the border!


  • colour string [optional] Colour to draw border in, as HTML colour name.


MFD:setCursor (inputX, inputY, doBlink) line 323
Places an underscore at the given X,Y with optional blinking. Purely aesthetic, serves no functional purpose.


  • inputX
    • num X coordinate of cursor position.
  • inputY
    • num Y coordinate of cursor position.
  • doBlink
    • bool Blink cursor at the rate of cursorRate if true.


MFD:write (writeText, writeX, writeY, fgColour, bgColour) line 339
Writes text to the MFD.

Writes text of arbitrary length, position, and colour to the MFD. Overwrites existing text for the length of the string.


  • writeText string The text to be written to the MFD.
  • writeX int X position of cursor, where text will be inserted. 0-51
  • writeY int Y position of cursor, where text will be inserted. 0-15
  • fgColour string Colour to be used for the text foreground colour, as HTML colour name.
  • bgColour string Colour to be used for the text background colour, as HTML colour name.


    bool True, if write successful.


    myMFD:write("Beginning Δcal routine...", 2, 2, "green", "dim_grey")
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2021-01-24 20:08:44