Module Utilities

General utilities, that are useful to utilise.

General utilities

round (_input[, _precision]) Rounds things to nearest integer, just like it sounds.
switch (_keyToCheck, _caseTable) Mimics C#/JS switch functionality.
tobool (_input) Turns things from string to bool, duh.

Navigation utilities

headingToCardinal8 (_heading) Finds approximate 8-point compass direction from input heading.
headingToCardinal16 (_heading) Finds approximate 16-point compass direction from input heading.
invertDirection (_cardinalDirection) Returns the opposite direction of a given cardinal direction.

Unit conversion

mphToKmh (_input) Does what it sounds like.
mphToMs (_input) Does what it sounds like.
fToC (_input) Does what it sounds like.

General utilities

round (_input[, _precision]) line 31
Rounds things to nearest integer, just like it sounds.

Somehow Math.round() isn't a thing. This is stupidly simple though, just adds 0.5 to our input and floors it.


  • _input number Number to round.
  • _precision number Number of decimal places to round to. Default 0. (optional)


    Input rounded to nearest integer.
switch (_keyToCheck, _caseTable) line 71
Mimics C#/JS switch functionality.

Fails to optional entry _default if check fails, otherwise raises error.


  • _keyToCheck Input to check against keys in _caseTable
  • _caseTable table Key-value table, with keys being cases, and values being their returns


    Value of _caseTable[_keyToCheck]


Exception if key not found and no _default entry


  •  -- Function will return "I'm true", since 1 == 1
     local truthiness = switch( 1 == 1, {
       [true] = "I'm true!",
       [false] = "I'm false!",
       _default = "I'm neither, so probably nil!"
  •  -- Function will retrieve function B, and then ourFunction() will be executable
     local functionTable = {
       ["Function A"] = function() echo("I'm A!")        end
       ["Function B"] = function() echo("I'm B!")        end
       ["Function C"] = function() echo("I'm C!")        end
       _default       = function() echo("I'm _default!") end
     local ourFunction = switch( "Function B", functionTable)
     ourFunction()  -- echo("I'm B!")
tobool (_input) line 93
Turns things from string to bool, duh.


  • _input string The string to check

Navigation utilities

headingToCardinal8 (_heading) line 121
Finds approximate 8-point compass direction from input heading.


  • _heading num Heading to convert.


    string Nearest 8-point compass direction.
headingToCardinal16 (_heading) line 148
Finds approximate 16-point compass direction from input heading.


  • _heading num Heading to convert.


    string Nearest 16-point compass direction.
invertDirection (_cardinalDirection) line 183
Returns the opposite direction of a given cardinal direction.


  • _cardinalDirection num (e.g. "north", "e", "south-southwest", "ene")


    float Heading in degrees

Unit conversion

mphToKmh (_input) line 237
Does what it sounds like.


  • _input
mphToMs (_input) line 242
Does what it sounds like.


  • _input
fToC (_input) line 247
Does what it sounds like.


  • _input
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2021-01-24 20:08:44